Celebrating the sunshine: Have I Got Social Enterprise News For You


Sun is shining, the weather is sweet
Make you want to move your dancing feet
To the rescue, here I am
Want you to know ya, where I stand.

I’m actually not standing (I’m sitting at my desk), but the sun certainly is shining, the weather is indeed sweet and it’s Friday so I’m in a very good mood and I hope that you are too. I wouldn’t in any way claim to be rescuing you but I can deliver a decent lot of news this week, so enjoy and have a good weekend.


In 1972 a crack commando unit was sent to prison by a military court for a crime they didn’t commit. These men promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the Los Angeles underground. Today, still wanted by the government, they survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire the A-Team“. Or you could give Bates Wells Braithwaite (the BWB-team?) a call; they’ve just put together a host of legal documents discounted for charities and social enterprises.

Nesta are checking down the back of the sofa and turning out their pockets in search of  2016’s New Radicals, which shines ‘the spotlight on people working tirelessly to shape our world for the better’. There were some SSE students and Fellows on the list last time and it would be super to see some more this year.

Caiff ei lansio ar 29 Ionawr 2016, a bydd SE-Assist yn cynnig y pecyn canlynol o gymorth twf busnes a chyllid i fentrau cymdeithasol ledled Cymru: Cyllid ad-daladwy heb log, rhwng £10,000 a £30,000, Mentor corfforaethol profiadol, Mynediad at gronfa o arbenigwyr. I ddarganfod mwy am fuddion SE-Assist, y meini prawf cymhwyster a’r broses ymgeisio, byddwn yn cynnal digwyddiad briffio yng Llandudno, ddydd Gwener, 26 Chwefror rhwng 12.00pm a 2.00pm.

A couple of years ago SSE Fellow Chris Lee wrote a series of (excellent) blogs meeting a range of social entrepreneurs at varying stages of organisation development. Two years on, he’s now revisiting some of those entrepreneurs to see how they have since fared, starting with SSE Fellow Rebecca White of Your Own Place.

A very interesting looking event in Hackney on 9th March. Taking place as part of Fairtrade Fortnight, Principle 6 is a networking breakfast offering you the ‘chance to tell people about your business, find new customers, and seek that ‘dream’ contact you have been looking for’.

Our friends at Business in the Community are currently accepting applications to their arc programme in both London and Yorkshire. It’s completely free, and you have until 16th March to apply.

CAN are running a competition offering 12 hours of bespoke one-to-one mentoring to one new CAN3 member. You can find all the details of how to enter here. Winner winner chicken dinner.

There’s not much worse than predatory companies preying on low income households, and an excellent new social enterprise has launched to try and combat exactly this. Fair For You will be offering fairer loans to those on low incomes for emergency purchases such as washing machines and fridge freezers. Read more about it here.

Finally, if you want a place on our Replication and Social Franchising course you need to get cracking because it starts next Thursday. It’s a six-day course running over three months. Book a place here.

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