This is going to be short and to the point as I’ve been out and about spreading the word of SSE this week and only spent about 5 minutes at my desk. Broken links, bits I’ve missed out, bad spelling and missed punctuation should be attributed to me only starting this about two minutes ago.
Normal service (of inexcusable broken links, bad spelling and missed punctuation) will resume next Friday.

Photo Credit: Angelina Cupcake via Compfight cc
- SSE Fellow Sinead Mac Manus has written ‘Why it Pays To Be a Social Enterprise‘, which goes into good detail about the support available to social entrepreneurs. Speaking of which, some new programmes of support have opened for applications: The Young Foundation Transition project, and the Impact Investment Readiness Programme from Impact Hub.
- Social Impact App have put together a cool map which collates social enterprise restaurants from across the world. They also have an iPhone app which extends to other businesses too.
- Super news for SSE Fellow Jo Douglas, whose CIC AHP Suffolk has had its contract to deliver physiotherapy services in Suffolk extended. An impressive result for an organisation that was only formed in 2011.
- According to an alarmist headline in the Daily Express (it was on a train, and no, I’ve never met anyone who reads it either) we’re going to be plunged into some sort of Arctic winter next week. Sounds like a perfect time to buy some knitwear! Luckily SSE Fellow Debbie Judd has just the thing, through her social enterprise Neighbourworks.
- SSE Fellow Chris Lee has been putting together an A-Z of Social Entrepreneurship, which is a really good read.
- Oxfordshire has recently become the first ‘social enterprise place’, and Third Sector have been taking a look at what this actually means.
- The Alternative Commission are seeking your views on social investment.
- The Growing Localities awards offers £2500 in prize money to projects which use nature to ‘enhance communities and the lives of vulnerable and socially-excluded people’.
- SSE Course Update 1: SSE Scotland still has space on its Understanding Your Finances course on December 4th – 5th. Vital if you want to get to grips with your accounts.
- SSE Course Update 2: SSE London has space on An Introduction to Legal Structures on December 1st, and also on Kickstart Your Social Media Strategy on Saturday December 6th (I’ve seen the slides and it’s going to be great!).
- Kickstart will be delivered by Zoe Amar, who is also running a workshop on ‘How To Build A Great Personal Social Media Presence‘ in January.
- Finally – a big thank you to everyone who tweeted last week’s news. We made it over 20,000 followers! (Now I just need to come up with a scheme to get them all to send me a pound…)
I’ll be at Good Deals on Monday and Tuesday, say hi if you are there! Have a good week.