You know when something initially seems like a good idea but then turns out to be an absolute disaster? Crowbarring Halloween related words and phrases into this week’s Have I Got Social Enterprise News For You definitely falls into this category. It’s going to make painful reading I’m afraid. Godspeed to you.

Photo Credit: .Great Grandpa & Grandma T. via Compfight cc
Here’s this week’s news…
- Is social investment a trick or a treat? (I can hear you click delete by the way…). Dave Ainsworth wrote an excellent article this week which asks is social investment bad for the charity sector?
- Grants of between £15,000 – £150,000 are available from the Cabinet Office to help ‘organisations that tackle social problems to attract investment and win contracts.‘ Magic.
- The spine tingling sum of $1,000,000 is up for grabs to young social entrepreneurs ‘emerging from the world’s universities‘ for winning the 2015 Hult Prize.
- If you are like a zombie in the morning and need some help getting out of bed, try the iCuckoo app, which allows you to donate to charity every time you hit the snooze button. I would be bankrupt in about three days.
- Single and looking to mingle? My Impact is Bigger Than Yours are launching a dating service for social entrepreneurs. Insert your own pun for this one.
- Graduations for this year’s Lloyds Bank and Bank of Scotland Social Entrepreneurs Programme have been taking place at our schools up and down the country over the last few weeks. You can read about some of the spell-binding students that completed the year in our graduation booklet, and our chair of trustees Charlotte Young has written a letter to all the new Fellows.
- You’d have to be possessed to miss our Measuring Social Impact course, which takes place on 18th and 19th November. Only 4 places remain. It will be Spooktacular (I’m so sorry). Also filling up fast is SSE Cornwall’s Sustainable Leadership Programme which kicks off a week today.
If you need something to listen to in the dead of the night, here are 7 In Depth iTunesU Courses to Inspire Social Entrepreneurs.
- Finally – we apparently have 49 subscribers in the Netherlands, so gelukkig halloween and here’s one for you guys: Social Enterprise Cafe goes to Eindhoven.
Give yourself a pat on the back if you made it to the end of this and have a good week!