It’s Friday, and that means that it’s time for Have I Got Social Enterprise News For You – if you see anything that should feature next week, send me an email or tweet me a link and I’ll do my best to include it.

Photo Credit: Armando G Alonso ✈︎ via Compfight cc
1. It’s just over two weeks until our ‘Kickstart Your Social Media Strategy‘ workshop on Saturday 14th June and elsewhere on this blog Zoe Amar, who will be facilitating the day, proposes ‘5 reasons why your organisation needs a social media strategy‘. There are still places on the workshop if you’d like to come along. If you need further reason, ‘Understand Social Media. Change The World‘ should be a compelling headline!
Book your place on the workshop
2. Applications are now open for the Social Enterprise Awards 2014. The awards, run by Social Enterprise UK and now in their 16th year, recognise organisations for their business excellence and contribution to society, as well as the achievements of people working at the heart of the social enterprise sector.
To apply please go to the Social Enterprise UK website. Applications close on Friday 11th July 2014.
3. The Independent on Sunday published its ‘Happy List‘, packed full of social entrepreneurs and a suitable antidote to the more crass Rich List. As popular contemporary philosopher Lady Gaga once mused, ‘I’d rather be poor and happy than rich and alone’.
4. If your social enterprise works in health and wellbeing, the Bath Social Entrepreneurship Programme takes place between 18th and 20th June – there are bursary places available and it’s open to social entrepreneurs from across the UK.
5. Social intrapraneurship is regularly heralded as the next big thing and you can find out what the fuss is all about from Professor David Grayson on June 25th at Impact Lab, as he discusses Social Intrapreneurism and All That Jazz.
6. Early bird tickets are available for Sensecamp on June 28th, an un-conference dedicated to social entrepreneurship and bringing together participants from across Europe. It looks like a lot of fun.
7. SSE Cornwall student Ross Wheeler is running a crowdfunding campaign for The Crooked Thicket Creation Space. He’s just over halfway to his target of £2500 and there are some great rewards on offer (you can adopt a duck for £20!).
8. ACEVO’s Asheem Singh has written an interesting piece for the Guardian examining the importance of ethical investment by charities and social enterprises (featuring a rather menacing picture of Duncan Bannatyne). Similarly, Emily Kenway looked at how charities could influence the decision making and ethics of corporates.
More next week, and please help us reach as many people as possible by clicking one of the share buttons below!
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Our next one day workshop is Kickstart Your Social Media Strategy on June 14th.