Intern Update: Last Week at the SSE

So tomorrow will mark Nick Kang and my last day at the London School for Social Entrepreneurs and I don't think either one of us can really believe the month is over already.  This experience has been a great start to the new year and I am looking forward to tracking the development and growth of the SSE in the coming years. 

Probably one of the best parts of the experience would have to be meeting all of the great students in this year's programme.  They really are an impressive bunch whose enterprises range from money management courses to architectural services for youth centres.  Few times have I ever had the opportunity to meet a group that was so driven and focused to make a change in their community.  What's even more impressive was to sit in on last week's session with the London Weekly programme and to listen to them brainstorm ideas on how to stay together after they graduate from this year's SSE programme. If this fervor to hold regular meetings after graduating from the SSE is any indicator, clearly this is an organization has made an incredible impact on these people's lives. 

Other highlights of the past few weeks would have to include the ongoing intern education of British culture.  As a result of the past month I think it's fair to say the Brit's have a great sense of humour (if a bit dry), can put on a great pantomime, and know how to whip up some wicked scones at a moment's notice.

Thank you SSE staff for the great month. 

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