It’s Friday, so it’s time for this week’s Have I Got Social Enterprise News For You. It’s also my birthday, so if you fancy tweeting @schsocent and suggesting that I should be allowed to go home / to the pub early it would be appreciated – if you click this link it will do it for you. You only have to make one click! (The phone number is 020 7089 9210 if you think that you can make a good case for it over the phone).

I’m actually not much of a fan of birthday cake
Anyway, here’s the news:
- Social Good Guides are a (beautifully designed) new compendium of guides for ‘starmation there.tup changemakers’. The focus is on the USA, but there is a lot of useful infor
- Cool Tans Arts, set up by SSE Fellow Michelle Baharier, are offering an exclusive preview of the Affordable Art Fair in Battersea on the evening of Wednesday 11th March. Tickets are £25 and all proceeds go directly to Cool Tan.
- New taster session dates for the Lloyds Bank Social Entrepreneurs Programme are now available in London and the Midlands. Book quickly, the spaces won’t hang around long.
- Last Saturday was Open Data Day, and SEUK launched an online dashboard which shows the amount of money spent with their members by the government. You can read more about it here.
- We’ve still got some places left on Tuesday’s Kickstart Your Social Media Strategy workshop. Come along if you want to make sure that you are using social media in the most profitable and effective manner. Run by charity social media expert Zoe Amar the day is a lot of fun.
- SSE Fellow Florence Norman is crowdfunding for her organisation Free Me, which provides free aftercare support for women striving to achieve and maintain recovery from eating disorders and/or addictions. You can get your hands on some terrific jewellery pieces and support a super social enterprise.
- If crowdfunding is something that you’ve been thinking about for your organisation, Ben and Jerry’s are looking for five finalists for their Join Our Core competition, which this year focuses on supporting organisations to crowdfund successfully.
- Regular speaker on SSE courses and founder of London Early Year Foundation June O’Sullivan is hosting a networking event in London for social entrepreneurial women as part of International Women’s Day on Tuesday 10th March.
- Finally, if you are a fellow late riser then join me in reading this and agreeing wholeheartedly with it: No, Mornings Don’t Make You Moral.
Have a good week – and keep your fingers crossed for the mighty Tottenham Hotspur at Wembley on Sunday!