Yahoo! Charity and Ethical finds

Just a brief note to point to the Yahoo! Finds of the last year….

In the Charity category (the first year there has been such a category, which must be a good sign…), the winner was Cowforce, with other runners-up including the Alternative Wedding List and the Big White Box.

In the Ethical category, the winner was CreativePaperWales (though maybe more for the funny idea (sheep poo paper) than the website?), with other runners-up including Stop Tout and All Things Green

Winner of the Innovative category is the inescapable Pledgebank (also in the Guardian again this morning), whilst lurking in the Resourceful category, we find SSE Fellow Paul Hodgkin’s Patient Opinion website. You have 5 days left to go and vote (for Paul!) in the People’s Choice section…..

[UPDATE: Gideon Lyons from UnLtd has let me know that the people behind Creative Paper Wales received an UnLtd award (level 2), so we have an SSE-UnLtd match-up for the People’s Choice! OK, so there are a few other sites with massive audiences in the running, but don’t deny me the social entrepreneur  battle isn’t more exciting…. ;0) ]

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