Thursday round-up: Sunlight, shares, scale, SROI

Quick round-up, as there seems to be lots coming in and lots of interest:

– Peter Holbrook has written a blog post about David Cameron launching the Tory green paper at Sunlight Development Trust, and has some interesting initial thoughts from a practitioner’s point of view on its recommendations; more reaction on Bubb’s blog (who’s on rare form of late), here, and here.

– Paul Miller of School of Everything has written an interesting post about why their organisation is a company limited by shares and how they balance the need for start-up investment (in a silicon valley web2.0 type way) with a social mission at their heart….

– Fall-out from the ECT news continues; apparently the recycling arm is keeping its CIC structure, despite (or as well as?) being taken over by a private sector operator….will be interesting to see how that turns out. In the meantime, here’s a piece in New Start about it all; as I mentioned previously, this can be seen as a positive as much as a negative, but I do think that the issue of scale is at the heart of it all

– On which subject (scale), some food for thought: The Fetishization of Scaling Up (Small is beautiful versus Big is essential….and local+local+local = global…) and a magazine/event called De-Growth

– The SROI-UK conference has spawned a network: SROI-UK is chaired by the evaluation legend Jeremy Nicholls, who we’ll be doing some work with in mid-June

DEFRA announced a big £4.6 million deal for the various third sector waste and recycling networks who have come together to form a new organisation, REconomy. Huge kudos to (former SSE Director of Learning) Matthew Thomson for masterminding the deal: word on the street is that the celebrations were substantial…..but well-deserved.

– Interesting article by Matthew Taylor of the RSA on the (independence of the) third sector and the need for accountability and transparency

How to set up a refugee community organisation; consult this guide?

– And a brief final thought: Word of mouth is not created, it is co-created

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