Scaling social impact

A brief post before heading out of the door…but just received the latest missive from Greg Dees at CASE/Fuqua, which is all about scaling social impact. Well worth a look through the 160 case studies they have in their online database (OK, I’ve looked at a few…), as well as some interesting articles from Stanford Social Innovation Review. SSE’s take on this is that, yes we need some organisations to scale up and replicate to have a bigger impact and share their knowledge and strategies….but we also need to scale up the number of opportunities for as many people as possible to become a social innovator/entrepreneur. For many initiatives are fit to a particular locality and community and are not suitable for scaling, and should resist the impulse (I talked about this previously in Scaling your replicable pilot franchise).

Anyway, there is lots of interesting stuff here to sift through.

Also worth mentioning is that UnLtd, of which SSE is a founding partner, had a big Awards event today. Sadly, I couldn’t be there, but hope it went well, and that there was a warm welcome to these new entrants to the movement. Please note that the autumn/winter 2006 edition of UnLtd’s No Limits magazine (quarterly, becoming monthly) is available for download here (pdf). Featuring Ben Metz of Ashoka fame, no less….

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