Recent social enterprise podcasting….

Never thought I’d say this: am glad to be having a whole week in the office….but what all the travelling around has done, apart from confirm my thoughts that Rail Miles or Green Miles are a good idea, is allow me to keep listening to various podcasts. Here’s a brief run down of recent listening:

The Bottom Line with Evan Davis; this is really growing on me, actually: simple format (3 CEOs discuss their businesses, and another cross-cutting issue) and very accessible; gives a swift insight into their businesses, and the challenges these organisations face.

SmallBizPod‘s recent cast on Social Firms was interesting, not least because it interviewed Nigel Kershaw, CEO of Big Issue Invest / Chair of Big Issue. Nigel is a great and plain speaker on this stuff, on cutting through the financial mechanisms, and there are some understated Kershaw gems here, including "we are the Goldman Sachs of the sector" and "we’re going to change everything". SmallBizPod were apparently at Voice 08, but I missed them…..Sally Reynolds from Social Firms also features on the cast, and it was interesting to hear about their quality (star) mark for social firms, and her thoughts on the development of that part of the sector.

– If you’re interested in China or Russia, then Peter Day’s In Business podcast has been really interesting over the last couple of weeks.

– John Elkington, Chief Entrepreneur at Sustainability and co-author of the Power of Unreasonable People, featured on Harvard Business Review’s IdeaCast (also, read another review here). HBR also have a new "Green" area and conversation, although it is, as you would expect, at the corporate end of things….

– Other off-topic stuff has included Start the Week (though it is always ‘end the week’ for me) and the marvellous Mark Kermode / Simon Mayo on film (heartily recommended)

– Finally, worth mentioning that Jude Habib, SSE Fellow, who runs sounddelivery, had a piece in ThirdSector magazine about podcasting as part of their look at web 2.0 type stuff.

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2 thoughts on “Recent social enterprise podcasting….

  1. At the risk of plugging our social enterprise podcast, we have been publishing Firestarters for about 2 months now which is a podcast for social entrepreneurs in health. You can access it via our site at or via iTunes and I would love some feedback.
    The most recent two podcasts focus on the pros and cons of CICs.