In a world gone mad…

There are days when it would appear the world has gone mad; days when you find out Maria Sharapova is a stamp collector, pin-striped city folk have marched on the Home Office and two Bulgarian prisoners have stitched their mouths up to protest at not being able to see the World Cup (but left a little bit unstitched so they can still smoke!).

Anyway, I’ve weaved my way through the morass, and found a few Friday links of interest to the world of social enterprise and social entrepreneurship…:

Recycle Bank, an inventive-based recylcing social enterprise in the US

Social Entrepreneur winning mainstream Entrepreneur of the Year award (also US)

– the Charity Sleuths blog of the Intelligent Giving organisation (run by an SSE Fellow), who are reporting all their findings from poring over charity accounts….

Bridges Community Ventures has raised £33million to invest…venture capital with a social mission

USA Today on the need for entrepreneurship education

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