Friday round-up: Ferrero Rocher, Facebook, and Fellows

It’s Friday, it’s 6pm, it can mean only one thing: the weekly round-up of news….

– On Monday, the Ambassadors will be announced…watch this space for Ferrero Rochers etc.

– Here’s a big catalogue of measurement and evaluation tools and guides and kits and blah for the 3rd sector

– What are the top 12 nonprofit Facebook apps? These are. Now you can clutter your Facebook page with worthy stuff as well as pirates and zombies.

– If the entry before didn’t make sense, SSE Fellow Jude Habib is running a web 2.0 seminar (pdf) for third sector orgs…

– Apparently, there was some shenanigans in the world of politics this past week or two. Amongst the copycat and namecalling antics, the sector remained pretty much as was.

Al Gore has won the Nobel Peace Prize, don’t you know…..

Good books and magazines for social entrepreneurs? Any suggestions? Happy to add to our SSE Links / Resources pages

– I missed this article about SSE Fellow Michelle Baharier’s Cooltan Arts project the other week. Great stuff.

– Inheritance tax isn’t the big property issue: estate agents’ (realtors, US readers) carbon footprint, that’s the issue. Which makes Pedal to Properties a work of genius.

On which note I bid you farewell and a happy weekend……

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