Shifting London Trade Up Learning Programme – Interview Questions

Shifting London graphic with logos for funded by uk government, the school for social entrepreneurs and supported by the mayor of london

Shifting London Trade Up Programme Interview questions

1. Please tell us a bit about the story behind your organisation. 

You could share: 

  • How did it start? Why was it set up? 
  • Who is involved?  (Staff, volunteers, board, advisors, partner organisations) 
  • What is the need or issue you are tackling through this work?  
  • Who are your beneficiaries? 
  • What are the typical activities? 
  • What income streams have you developed? 


2. What difference does your project make and how do you measure the social outcomes and impacts? 



3. Your plans to grow: 

You could share: 

  • Tell us about your plans to grow your business and your impact within Greater London. Where do you see your business in a year’s time? 
  • The programme includes a Match Trading™ grant of up to £7,000. This grant is designed to challenge you to grow your trading income. How will you do this? 
  • What are the challenges you face over the next year? 


4. About you:  

You could share: 

  • Why are you involved in this work? What makes you passionate about social enterprise? 
  • What are you hoping to get from this programme?  
  • What will you bring to a cohort of your peers?   
  • If successful in securing a place on the programme, is there anything that would make it difficult for you to attend? 


If successful in securing a place on the programme, is there anything that would make it difficult for you to attend? 


Please refer to the application guidance notes where you will find the relevant delivery dates.