Social Saturday 2015

1 Sep 2015

Social Saturday 2015, the national day to celebrate and buy from social enterprises, will be on October 10th. September 2014 saw the UK’s first ever Social Saturday organised by SEUK. It was a great success with social enterprises putting on events up and down the country, widespread coverage across local and national press and a social media campaign which was supported by Jamie Oliver and the Prime Minister.

Social Saturday is part of Social Enterprise UK’s Buy Social Campaign which urges consumers, the public and private sectors to use their purchasing power to create positive social and environmental impact. It raises awareness about the options for everyday consumers who can utilise social savings and social investment opportunities which allow money to be invested into businesses whose social mission they support.

The launch for Social Saturday 2015 will take place on Thursday 3rd September with Minister for Civil Society, Rob Wilson visiting GLL’s Better Extreme Centre in Barking.

Visit Social Enterprise UK’s camapign website to find out what’s happening near you on Social Saturday.


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